Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends all over the world !


Plánovaný „A“ vrh jar 2021 / Planned „A“ litter spring 2021

Ak máte záujem o šteniatko z našej chovateľskej stanice, neváhajte napísať e- mail s nasledujúcimi informáciami:

  • napíšte krátko o sebe a svojej rodine, v  ktorej bude šteniatko žiť
  • odkiaľ pochádzate, krajinu, mesto, nechajte na seba kontakt – telefón, e-mail
  • máte záujem o štandardné šteniatko, alebo neštandard – domáceho  maznáčika
  • Vaše skúsenosti s ridgebackom prípadne iným plemenom

If you are interested in a puppy from our kennel, feel free to write e-mail with the following information: 

  • write briefly about yourself and your family, which will be live puppy
  • where you come from, country, city, leave your contact – phone, e-mail
  • you are interested in puppy standard or non-standard – pet
  • Your experience with Ridgeback or other breed
Na e-maily, alebo SMS s jedinou otázkou “ Koľko stojí šteňa “  neodpovedáme !!!
To e-mail or SMS with one question „How much is the puppy“ – no answer !!!

S hrdosťou predstavujeme budúcich rodičov / Proudly presents parents


Charisse Joy of Africa „THEIA“

narodená / born: 11.11.2017

výška / height : 64,5 cm

červená pšenica / red wheaten

plnochrupá / full dentition, correct scissor bite

HD: A/A , ED: 0/0, OCD: neg./neg., LTV 0, L7 normal, spondylosis neg.

DM: N/N clear, JME: N/N clear, D locus: D/D, B locus: B/B, Hemophilia B: X(N) / X(N) clear

Theia je fena výborných exteriérových proporcii s vyrovnanou priateľskou a veselou povahou, bez náznaku agresivity. Pri exteriéri by sa mala vyzdvihnúť najmä silná kostra a uhlenie v zadu. Zdravie – netrpí alergiami, má veľa genetických testov, ktoré vyšli výborne.

Theia is female with excellent exterior proportions with balanced friendly and happy temperament, with no sign of agression. Her advantages in her exterior are strong bones and excellent back angulation. Health – she have no allergies, have a lots of genetic tests, in which she is excellent.


Giacobbe Akono z Valdštejnských lip „KUBÍ“

narodený / born: 23.04.2013

výška / height : 67 cm

červená pšenica / red wheaten

plnochrupá / full dentition, correct scissor bite

HD: A/A , ED: 0/0, OCD: neg./neg., LTV neg., spondylosis neg.

DM: N/N clear, JME: N/N clear, D locus: D/D, Hemophilia B: X(N) / Y clear, ridge: R/R

Kubí je pes výborných exteriérových proporcii s vyrovnanou priateľskou povahou, bez náznaku agresivity. Zdravie – netrpí alergiami, má veľa genetických testov, ktoré vyšli výborne.

Kubí is dog with excellent exterior proportions with balanced friendly temperament, with no sign of agression. Health – she have no allergies, have a lots of genetic tests, in which she is excellent.


My darling THEIA 💕 celebrates its 3rd birthday.


XXVI. Club show SKCHR Bratislava (SK) 21.08.2020, judge: Iveta Klápová (kennel Slunce Života CZ)

BEST COUPLE 1st place Agar (8,5 years) & his daughter Theia (2,5 years)

C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“ – veteran class – excellent 2, RCC

Charisse Joy of Africa „THEIA“ – open class – excellent 3

handling: Veronika Olešovská



Charisse Joy of Africa „THEIA“

19.07.2020 – judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK) – excellent 1, CAC

18.07.2020 – judge: Željko Lozic (RS) – excellent 2, res.CAC

17.07.2020 – judge: Jozef Jursa (SK) – open class – excellent 3



5 years ago was borne in kennel RUDY UROK happy puppy Asim and I took him with me as a gift from Boguslava and Janusz …he grow up to lovely boy with great character

Happy birthday my sweetheart


Agar and Theia new shows IDS Nitra (SK) 🇸🇰 – Agar’s new title

C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“

24.01.2020 – judge: Karl Erik Johansson (SE) – veteran class – excellent 1🥇, BEST OF VETERAN, BIS VETERAN short list 5

25.01.2020 – judge: Marián Konečný (SK) – veteran class – excellent 1🥇, BEST OF VETERAN

26.01.2020 IDS Nitra (SK) – judge: Jaroslav Matyáš (SK) – veteran class – excellent 1🥇, BEST OF VETERAN, BIS VETERAN 3rd place 🏆


Charisse Joy of Africa „THEIA“

24.01.2020 – judge: Karl Erik Johansson (SE) – open class – excellent 3🥉

25.01.2020 – judge: Marián Konečný (SK) – open class – excellent 3🥉


My darling AGAR 💕 celebrates its 8th birthday.