Haker Rudy Urok „ASIM“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: C.I.B., GandCh., MultiCh. Esis Apazo Folwark Zwierzęcy

d.o.b. 19.04.2015 → STUD DOG: HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, LTV 0, L7 normal, spondylosis neg., OCD: free, red wheaten, full dentition, correct scissor bite, height: 69 cm, DM: N/N, JME: clear, Locus B: Genotyp B/B, Locus D: Genotyp D/D, Thyroid gland: NORMAL neg., DCM: neg.
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INTERCHAMPION (C.I.B.), Champion Slovakia, Champion SKCHR, Grand Champion Romania, Champion Romania, Grand Champion Serbia, Champion Serbia, Champion Bosna and Hercegovina, Slovak Puppy Champion
DOG OF THE YEAR 2017 SKCHR (Slovakia RR club), Vice Junior SKCHR 2016, Best Puppy SKCHR 2015, 3rd place BEST HEAD

breeder: Boguslawa Bortnik-Morajda
owner: Adriana Benčičová (SK)

Hari Rudy Urok „HARI“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: C.I.B., GandCh., MultiCh. Esis Apazo Folwark Zwierzęcy

d.o.b. 19.04.2015 → BREEDING FEMALE: HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD: free, wheaten, full dentition, correct scissor bite, height: 64 cm, DM: N/N, JME: clear, Thyroid gland: NORMAL neg.


INTERCHAMPION (C.I.B.). Champion Poland, Grand Champion Macedonia, Champion Macedonia, Champion Kosovo, Champion Montenegro, Champion Bulgaria, Grand Champion Bulgaria, Champion Balkan, Champion Ukraina

breeder + owner: Boguslava Bortnik-Morajda (PL)

Diva Caramel by Black River Kigdom „DIDA“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: Caramel Roxy by Luanda

d.o.b. 27.02.2016 → BREEDING FEMALE: HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD: free, red wheaten, full dentition, correct scissor bite, height: 64 cm
Champion Bosna and Hercegovina, Champion Serbia, Hungary Puppy Champion
Junior Winner Slovakia 2017, Junior female SKCHR 2017, 1st place BEST RIDGE (2x), 1 st place BEST HEAD junior, 3rd place BEST HEAD
candidate: INTERCHAMPION (C.I.B.), Champion Slovakia

breeder + owner: Adela Albert (SK)

Don Diego by Black River Kigdom „DIEGO“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: Caramel Roxy by Luanda

d.o.b. 27.02.2016 → STUD DOG: HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD: free, LTV0, L7 normal, red wheaten, correct scissor bite (P1), height: 66 cm

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Champion Slovakia
2nd place BEST HEAD

breeder: Adela Albert
owner: Samuel Zelina (SK)

Don Orlando by Black River Kigdom „ORLANDO“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: Caramel Roxy by Luanda

d.o.b. 27.02.2016

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Junior Champion Slovakia

breeder: Adela Albert
owner: Lukáš Kander (SK)

Enjoy me Tristan Stříbrný vrch Křemešník „TRISTAN“

working dog

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: Banshee Stříbrný vrch Křemešník

d.o.b. 27.03.2017 → HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD free, spondylosis neg.

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BH-VT (sport cynology)

breeder: Dana Hávová
owner: Jarka Pospíšilová (CZ)

Ceana Joy of Africa „DIA“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh. Achird Joy of Africa

d.o.b. 11.11.2017 → HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD: neg/neg., LTV 0, L7 normal, spondylosis neg., red wheaten, full dentition, correct scissor bite, DM clear after parents, JME clear after parents

Slovak Puppy Champion
candidate: Champion of Slovakia

breeder: Jana Všelková
owner: Martina Kováčiková (SK)

Charisse Joy of Africa „THEIA“

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh. Achird Joy of Africa

d.o.b. 11.11.2017 → BREEDING FEMALE: HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD: neg/neg., LTV 0, L7 normal, spondylosis neg., red wheaten, full dentition, correct scissor bite, DM clear after parents, JME clear after parents

Slovak Puppy Champion
2nd place BEST RIDGE
3rd place BEST RIDGE
candidate: INTERCHAMPION (C.I.B.), Champion Slovakia

breeder: Jana Všelková
owner: Adriana Benčičová (SK)

Chione Joy of Africa „MAVIS“

resque dog

sire: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh., BIS, BISS Chibale Habeebah of Shingamonga „AGAR“
dam: C.I.B., GrandCh., MultiCh. Achird Joy of Africa

d.o.b. 11.11.2017 – ridgeless

ZM – P
breeder: Jana Všelková
owner: Andrea Noveková Jakubčeková (SK)